Upcoming events, term dates and more
Tuition in Bristol schools!
We offer bespoke Performing Arts tuition within a small number of schools in and around Bristol. Get in touch to find out if you can have lessons at your school, and be sure to have a look at our Schools page.
All Private lessons will follow the term dates below, unless otherwise arranged with students.
Cotham School:
Spring Term (Terms 3 & 4) 2024-25: Tuesday 7th January – Tuesday 1st April 2025
(No lessons during half-term on Tuesday 18th February)
(Please Contact Us for further details about this term)
St John’s Primary School:
We unfortunately won’t be running sessions at school for the 2024-25 academic year.
However, please do continue to check back here for news of our return, and fill out a Registration Form for St John’s in the meantime to register your interest and secure your child’s place for future sessions.
Covid-19 Update
Some of our schools are pausing the running of sessions on site for time being. If this is the case at your school – or if you’d like to register for PFL lessons at this time – we will be holding all lessons online! Please see our Online Lessons / Covid-19 page for further details.
Parents / guardians should keep an eye on their emails for further information, or give us a call or email via our Contact page.
Please note that we will encourage everyone to go with what they feel is right for them at the present time.
Weekly sessions in Bristol outside of school!
Have a look at our Bristol page for location, days, times and fees.
Past Events
Easter Holiday Singing Workshop in Southampton!
👉Learn the songs of your favourite artists and musicals
👉Improve your technique and performance skills
👉Experience vocal harmony singing
Tuesday 2nd – Thursday 4th April 2019, 10am-4pm
Ages 11+
All abilities welcome!
£35 per day or £90 for all 3 dates
Venue: King Edward VI School, Southampton, SO15 5UQ
Email now to secure your place: hello@weperformforlife.com
Bristol Autumn Term dates for the 2018-19 academic year!
At the prestigious 1532 Performing Arts Centre, Bristol, BS8
Saturday 15th September – Saturday 15th December 2018, 10AM-12PM (no session Saturday 29th September)
Come and try out one of our sessions for FREE!
Email hello@weperformforlife.com or call 07910 51 55 52 to reserve your place now.
FREE OPENING MORNING for our brand new weekly sessions at the prestigious 1532 Performing Arts Centre, Clifton, BS8
Saturday 15th September 2018, 10am-12pm
Come and join us for a FREE Open Morning full of fun and engaging Performing Arts activity!
If you have a son / daughter aged 7+ who is interested in performing, then bring them along. They’ll meet Kat, our Founder and Director, and will get a taster of our sessions at Perform For Life.
Call Kat on 07910 515552 or email hello@weperformforlife.com to reserve your FREE place!
Summer Performing Arts Workshop 2018, Southampton
Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th July, 9:30am-3:30pm, ages 10-16
At King Edward VI School, SO15
Pop over to our Facebook event page for more details.
Email hello@weperformforlife.com or call 07910 51 55 52 to reserve your place now.
Have a look at our Our Belief & Approach page for more detail on our sessions.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to find out what else we’re up to.